ClickCease Discover Exciting Kids' Costumes for Imaginative Play Shop Australia – Page 6

Our Range of Kids Costumes

Whether your kids have been invited to a party or you’re planning to host one yourself they are a great way for children to interact with their friends outside of a school setting, have fun and build social confidence. Having a kids’ fancy dress party or themed party adds a lot more fun to the occasion too and your kids are sure to have a great time. At Disguises we have a great range of kids fancy dress costumes for all ages and occasions so there’s no need to worry about getting your kid’s costume organised. If you’re organising a fancy dress party then there is a bit more to do than just get your kid's costume organised so that the party is a wonderful success. Here are our top tips for organising a fun fancy dress party for your kids. The first...Read More

Our Range of Kids Costumes

Whether your kids have been invited to a party or you’re planning to host one yourself they are a great way for children to interact with their friends outside of a school setting, have fun and build social confidence. Having a kids’ fancy dress party or themed party adds a lot more fun to the occasion too and your kids are sure to have a great time. At Disguises we have a great range of kids fancy dress costumes for all ages and occasions so there’s no need to worry about getting your kid’s costume organised. If you’re organising a fancy dress party then there is a bit more to do than just get your kid's costume organised so that the party is a wonderful success. Here are our top tips for organising a fun fancy dress party for your kids. The first two things to think about are the guest list so that you know how many kids are coming and what size of venue you need. If you don’t have enough space at home for the kids to play without falling over each then there are plenty of cost-effective places that cater for kids parties these days. Once you have the guest list and venue sorted, you then need to get the invitations done. Remember to clearly include the time, place and theme of the party, especially if it’s specific. It is a good idea to ask for RSVPs that include any food preferences or allergies of the kids that are coming to your party too. When deciding whether or not to have a specific theme for your kids’ fancy dress party another great tip is to suggest a few fancy dress suppliers on the invitations. You could maybe even ring some local fancy dress suppliers in advance to see if they will offer a promotional discount in exchange for the free recommendation and including them on your invitations. It’s now time for the fun part of organising your kid’s party. You need to think about the competitions, decorations and food. Do the decorations need to match a specific theme or are you going to make it super easy and have an open fancy dress theme? When it comes to the food and drinks, it’s best to keep things nice and simple, while taking into account any special dietary requirements you have had from your RSVPs. Sandwiches, fruit, muffins and cake always go down well and for drinks maybe just stick to juices and smoothies. No kid’s party is complete without a competition or two but when deciding on what competitions to have you need to be sure that you don’t make it too competitive and that all the kids at the party will get a prize. You could have a few fun games or just offer some prizes for the most original, most colorful, funniest or most elegant fancy dress costume, for example. Organising a fancy dress party for your kids doesn’t need to be a hugely complicated affair, in fact, it can be quite fun if you keep it fairly simple! Follow these great tips and we’re sure that you’ll have it covered in no time and all the kids will have a great time.